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    The Super Popular Baseball Cap Styles Guide

    تاج أونغ تاج أونغ 2022-05-09 22:27:52

    معروف بأنها أيقونة أمريكية ، تعود قبعات البيسبول إلى عام 1910 إلى ثلاثينيات القرن العشرين ، عصر Babe Ruth عندما ارتدى مشجعو البيسبول قبعة فريقهم المفضل. لم يكن حتى أواخر الثمانينيات وأوائل التسعينيات من القرن الماضي ، حيث تم تبنيهم من قبل مجتمع الأزياء ، الذي أصبح شائعًا من قبل فنانين موسيقى الهيب هوب مثل Ice Cube و Easy-E. سرعان ما أصبحوا رمزًا لثقافة البوب ​​الأمريكية.

    History of Baseball Caps

    The baseball cap has a long history dating back to the 19th century. Amateur baseball team, the Brooklyn Excelsiors, wore the first baseball cap on record which, unlike today’s cap, featured a shorter brim, a floppy structure, and a button top.

    It wasn’t until the 1940s that the baseball cap we know today was born. Latex rubber became the go-to material for stiffening the inside of the hat, and the overall design became more structured. They also included a longer brim to protect the player’s eyes from the sun.

    Usually, a baseball cap is fashioned in team colors with a logo, mascot, or team initial placed somewhere on the hat. Today, athletes and fashion lovers alike can find a variety of baseball hat styles (with or without sports affiliation).

    Though the initial intent for the baseball cap was to help aid the athletes playing the game, this common hat was taken off field in the 80s and became a big hit in the fashion world. Today we can accredit a variety of reasons for this.

    In simple terms, baseball caps can be worn with any outfit, whether it’s a cute summer dress or with jeans and a tee. With most caps being made adjustable they suit a range of body sizes and because most brands now sell the product, a cap can be found to suit a persons style, political views, sports team, and more.


    Fitted Baseball Cap

    While fitted baseball caps are very similar in design to their snapback cousins, there is a major difference. The fitted cap has no snap closure on the back of the hat. Therefore, most men will try on a few caps beforehand, in order to find the perfect fit. Thankfully, fitted baseball caps come in multiple sizes for the male consumer base.

    One of the best things about this baseball cap style is that it has an aesthetically-pleasing design. It is a timeless addition to any guy’s wardrobe, and complements most summer wardrobes.

    Five-Panel Baseball Cap

    If you took the superficial look of a fitted baseball cap, and modified it to a more hipster-esque look, this is the result. The five-panel baseball cap has seen a surge in popularity in recent years, due to its flexibility with male fashion. This variation of the baseball cap usually comes with some text or pattern added.

    The additions aren’t necessarily large, so it doesn’t work against the style of the cap itself. However, when worn correctly, it can accentuate your overall look for the summer season. For those who want to make bolder fashion statements, experiment with different five-panel caps. You’ll be surprised at the actual styles you develop.

    Dad Hat

    Focused less on form and more on function, dad hats are the kind of fuss-free baseball cap you can imagine any dad wearing. That said, plenty of women don this style of hat.

    This baseball cap is usually made of cotton or canvas with a low profile, slightly curved bill, and a slightly oversi

    zed fit. Even Malia Obama was spotted sporting the look.

    Tips for Wearing a Baseball Cap

    The general rule for wearing a baseball cap is to find one with a good fit. This means it should feel snug on your head to avoid falling off, but never so tight that it gives you a headache or leaves red marks and indentations on your forehead.


    Unless the visor is obstructing your view or preventing you from otherwise safely doing a task, don't wear a baseball cap backwards. It's just not a good look. Same goes for wearing it sideways. That only works for toddlers. And if you're reading this, you are not a toddler.

    تذكر أن أقل أكثر. يمكنك الحصول على عدد أكبر من الأميال من قبعة أسود عادي أو قبعة بيسبول بيضاء نظيفة أكثر من بعض الغطاء العصري الذي يحمل الكتابة على الجدران والذي سيأخذك فقط حتى الآن ويفقد جاذبيته بعد ارتدائه لموسم واحد.

    تعرف على موادك. إذا كنت تتعرق كثيرًا أو تخطط لتواجدك في الشمس ، فاختر قبعة بيسبول في نسيج قابل للتنفس مثل القطن. على العكس ، إذا كنت ترتدي قبعة في البرد ، فاختر مواد أكثر دفئًا مثل الصوف أو الجلد المدبوغ. أوه ، وإذا كنت تخطط لرياضة قبعة بيسبول مع سترة جلدية ، فلا تضاعف مع غطاء جلدي. هذا مجرد مبالغة.

    اجعله نظيفًا. هذا هو الفطرة السليمة ، ولكن من الجدير بالذكر. قبعة قاتمة ليست لطيفة. إليك كيفية تنظيف قبعة البيسبول.

    يتم قبول غطاء البيسبول على نطاق واسع كقبعة للذكور ، لعدة أسباب. أهم سبب؟ هناك عدد لا يحصى من الاختلافات ، كل منها يلبي الفرد. لا تتفاجأ برؤية العديد منهم ، عند الخروج في المشي بعد الظهر. فهي مريحة في وقت واحد ، لأنها أنيقة!